If you’re ready to no longer be at war between the beliefs you were indoctrinated into

… and the freedom of the life you want,

You’re in the right place.

Since you’re here, you're probably wondering:

  • Is it possible to change without feeling like I’ll go to hell?
  • Would it be easier to pretend I still believe what I used to?
  • Is there anything for me on the other side of religion?

… and what you really want is to change your faith without all of the internal guilt and have a clear path forward into your dream life.


I’m Hannah, a Religious Trauma therapist.

I’ve dedicated my work to helping millennials build lives they love based on new chosen belief systems.

Specifically, I help you unpack and work through your own religious trauma and deconstruct the indoctrination that’s holding you back from living the life that aligns with your truth.

If that seems like a very specific niche, it is. But I’m passionate about it because I’ve been through my own deconstruction journey as well.

Most breakdowns of faith start with a feeling or an experience.

Mine started with books.

I’ve got a lot of letters behind my name: LICSW, MSW, MTS

(I’m even a 200 hour yoga instructor and meditation instructor)

All of that means I’ve spent a lot of time in books, study, and in DEEP contemplation about the meaning I hold for my life here on earth and after.

It was ironically during my theological studies that I both deconstructed my past faith and reconstructed my new version of spirituality.

I’ve been through the bodily confusion, the pinball of brain beliefs, and the overall “foundation crumbling” feeling that comes with realizing what you grew up believing is not what you want to move forward with.

And although I don’t think you’re ever COMPLETELY on the other side, I will say that now I live a life of carefree travel, alignment, and a continuous dismantling of expectations placed on my life by anyone but me.

And honestly, my life now -- owning my own business, traveling to Paris or Portofino on the weekend with My Person, making friends from Finland, Israel, Iran, Uganda, and the Philippines, dancing whenever I want, drinking a glass of wine at dinner (because, Italy) -- wouldn't be possible if I hadn't done the inner work of making peace with my fundie past. I know this because My Person lovingly tells me this often  😉

I’m so happy I went through the pain of deconstruction so that I could craft something new and beautiful in its place. Now it’s my mission to teach you the tools you need for your healing journey so you can create your own dream life.

What if...

it was possible to deconstruct your religious beliefs in a way that allowed you to finally feel at peace with yourself and excited for your future path…

…instead of locked in a spiral of debilitating internal conflict?

Great News: You’re looking at that possibility right now.


Making Peace with Your Religious Past

A course to help millennials align their current, spoken beliefs with their lived reality as they resolve the distress that comes from deconstructing past faith and reconstructing a new spirituality.

With a curriculum created by a licensed therapist and rooted in religious trauma therapy practices, you’ll uncover how to:

  • Get your body, brain, and behavior on board as you decide to believe something new
  • Choose something that feels good to believe in so you're not at war with yourself constantly
  • Confidently make choices and start new hobbies

If you’ve dreamt about travel, dancing, your Future Partner, new friends, or positive family relationships this is the first step towards that.

Here are a few reasons you can get stuck in your old beliefs:

It could be bodily.

This is when your body LITERALLY rejects your new actions because of a deeply embedded belief system. It results in constant nervous system dysregulation and a physical aversion to taking action in a way that might be deemed “bad” by your past religion.

It could be moral.

Even though your mind can SAY that you believe something new, you might still hold the ingrained feeling that “something bad will happen if I do [insert thing you’ve been told is wrong here]” or even “I’ll go to hell if I [insert action that disagrees with your past faith here].”

It could be relational.

You might be afraid you’ll lose the people closest to you. It’s common to surround yourself with people who believe the same things as you, but nobody talks about what to do with that community when your beliefs shift.

If any of that resonates with you as the main reason holding you back from aligning your actions with your value system, or if you feel a bit of all of them,

I want you to know there may not be a way out… but there’s definitely a way through.


It’s 100% possible to live in complete peace with your updated value-system.

In order to get through the constant conflict you’re frustrated with and into the acceptance and alignment you really desire…

You need to unearth your old belief system.

There may be some things you KNOW you don’t want to hold as truth any longer. But even those beliefs might be further indoctrinated into your life and second-nature actions than you might imagine.

First, you have to realize the depth of what you’re working with.

You need practices to help deal with the stress on your system now.

As you gradually dismantle what’s governing your subconscious from the inside out, you’ll face a lot of stress and incongruence that can manifest in symptoms like panic, anxiety, and self-sabotage. It’s essential to have coping tools to help you in the moment as you aim to adjust your long-term reality.

And, You need someone with no stake in the game on what you believe.

Now is not the time for guidance from someone who wants you to believe the same thing they do. Instead, you need someone who is trained and educated on guiding you through the treacherous landmines of embedded beliefs and indoctrination so you can build a safe haven inside your own self-trust.

Imagine Your Dream Life...

You’re riding a vespa,

you’re in France with a budding romance, 

eating croissants and sipping Spritzes on the daily...

And it's going to feel so good because you’re not punishing yourself for sinning!

My primary mission is to make space for you to figure out your new value systems.

So, will I tell you what I believe? No.

But I will help you come to terms with what YOU want to believe.

Then, together we’ll uncover a path for you to start living in alignment with whatever YOU decide.


Making Peace with Your Religious Past

If you desire a new daily reality, but your experience with high-demand religion might be keeping you stuck, this is for you.

In just 5 carefully-designed modules, this course will help you align your current, spoken beliefs with your lived reality.

Then you can resolve the distress that comes from deconstructing past faith and step into reconstructing your new spirituality.

You can go from internal conflict about your new convictions → 

To living with the peace that comes with belief and life alignment

That's not all, you will also get these bonuses:

How to Make Friends as an Adult After Religion Course

Learn how high control + high demand religion negatively influences the friends you keep and the expectations you have of friends. Make a plan for how to meet new people, overcome the challenges of making friends in adulthood, and be honest about what level of investment is realistic.

Intro to World Religions Course

Getting started after leaving fundamentalism can leave you feeling lost in the ether. This course is a jumping off point for learning about different religious expressions so you can get the wheels turning on what resonates with you most. You will also exercise critical thinking skills as you critique *not criticize* the religious traditions you learn about.

Deep Dive into Mystical & Contemplative Traditions Course

You've probably never heard of the mystics. They are a part of every religious tradition but decidedly unorthodox. They prioritize connection to Spirit more than doctrine. This course will introduce you to a few mystics in the Christian tradition and invite you to try on various contemplative practices.

  Getting Started
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Defining Religious Trauma & Identifying Indoctrination
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Grieving Your Past in a Healthy Way
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Reimagine Relationships with Satisfaction in Mind
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Reclaiming Sexuality in Life & Society
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Creating Authentic & Empowering Spirituality
Available in days
days after you enroll
  BONUS: How to Make Friends as an Adult After Religion
Available in days
days after you enroll
  BONUS: Intro to World Religions
Available in days
days after you enroll
  BONUS: Deep Dive Into Mystical & Contemplative Traditions
Available in days
days after you enroll

At the end of this course you will…

  • Walk away with a new perspective on what you once believed and why it’s silently keeping you stuck from moving on to your dream life.

  • Have a clear vision of what mutually beneficial, healthy relationships can look like for you and specific steps to cultivate those in your life.

  • Gather physical tools to help you move through difficult emotions, like fear, guilt, shame.

  • Have a strategy to implement the new sexual ethic you profess and plan to live out.

  • Finally have the confidence to finally let yourself walk down the path you design for yourself.

Let go of your stifling religious past



  • Continue to live a different life in your mind than you act out in your days
  • Keep Googling or searching up things that *might* help on social media
  • Wait for permission to truly change your life in the way you desire


I won’t lie, this is easier in the short run. Change is hard, but living out of alignment is hard, too. And the longer you do it, the more your incongruence will build up in your nervous system until you reach a breaking point.

At that point, you’ll either return to what you once knew, or you’ll search “Theology Therapist” on Instagram and end up right back here.


  • Decide that you get to live a life that feels peaceful and inspiring
  • Shift focus from what you’re leaving behind to what you’re moving toward
  • Take your value-system into your own hands allowing what’s important to YOU to become your North Star

Change takes bravery.

It takes an unrelenting willingness to stay focused on the vision for your life in front of you as you wade through the muddy waters of belief change that reflects in your behaviors. You’re literally carving new pathways in your brain. But the best way to do that is armed with a toolbox of research-backed, proven practices and an experienced guide to light your path.


Change isn’t easy. Questions are normal.

I see that you have two degrees in Theology and Religion. What are your personal beliefs? Does this influence how you guide people on this journey?

Getting the hard-hitter question out of the way, RIGHT away. I want to make this very clear: I am not a “christian counselor.” I actually don’t ever share my own beliefs with my therapy clients or students because I think it would be entirely contrary to the journey they (you) are going through. However, my background in theology and religion means that I can help you navigate in and out of the indoctrination of various religions you might be moving away from while helping you construct your own version of faith, if that’s something that appeals to your future vision.

How long does it take to get through the course?

That depends! People learn very differently, but in total we have about 7-10 hours of lessons and a 100 + page workbook with interactive exercises. The content is very manageable while also being comprehensive. What is more important than finishing the course quickly is implementing the material from each lesson into daily life, intentionally, over and over again, without losing momentum

Do we have lifetime access?

Yes! You can go as fast or as slow as you’d like through this material. Regardless of speed, you can watch and rewatch for the lifetime of the course.

I was raised Jewish/Mormon/Jehovah's Witness/Muslim/in a cult/etc. Is this for me? 

Yes, while there may be specific references to “church” or other christian icons, the language used is attempted to be inclusive of a multitude of religions. If I am speaking from my own experience or an example from my own experience it will be explicitly christian. 

What if I’m not leaving my religion, can I still take the course? 

Yes, this course is designed for the person who has already had their crisis of faith and but still finds spirituality/religiosity/the sacred to be very important. This course is not only meant to ease the distress of daily life so you can get your life back on track but also to provide an entry point back into spirituality on your terms, in a way that isn’t triggering.  

Do you offer refunds?

After helping hundreds of clients make peace with their religious past, we are confident that the strategies inside of our courses WORK (if you do!) and for this reason, we do NOT offer refunds under any circumstances.

Do we get support or community INSIDE the course? 

Yes! You will get access to the private Facebook community for extra support and accountability from me and other folx healing from high control + high demand religion!

What are you ready to take hold of?

What is it time to leave behind?

Maybe you want independence and you’re ready to leave behind the demands of your high control religion.

Maybe you’re ready to experience the peace that comes with aligned spoken and lived out beliefs, which means leaving behind the “told truth” that keeps holding you back.

It could be even more specific.

Maybe you want to travel the world.

Maybe you want to live on your own.

Maybe you want to start dating.

Maybe you crave safe and committed relationships.

If any of these things have you furiously nodding your head…

But you have the slightest flash of “oh, but I can’t REALLY do that…”

That means your BODY is using your INDOCTRINATED BELIEFS to keep you from your FUTURE DESIRES.

And I’d really love to help you step out of that back and forth battle field so you can breathe again and start to just BE who you want.